Your Guide to Embrace Autumn

Written by Rippan Sandhu


Posted on 12 March 2015

Your Guide To Embrace Autumn

We have been blessed by a wonderful summer this year with long sunny days, lots of time at beaches and outdoor activities. Mother Nature is now leading us into Autumn, leaves dry up and the wind begins to blow. Vata dosha, which is primarily associated with nervous system begins to take over—governed by air and marked by change, instability and anxiety. Metaphorically speaking, what happens when you add random blasts of air to a fire? It burns even brighter. When the accumulated heat of Pitta is fanned by Vata, it can lead to mental and physical burnout, stressing the adrenal glands and nervous system, and putting some of the body’s natural detoxification processes on hold.

How are you feeling ? Are you waking up feeling tired? Is your skin losing the natural lustre and feeling dry? This is simply due to seasonal transition. Your blood flow levels slows down and the pulse rate drops with the temperature. The best way to avoid these disorders is to follow a well- balanced routine during this season.

The ancient wisdom of Ayurveda recognises that each season has its unique characteristics and like nature these qualities manifest in our bodies as we interact with our environment on daily basis. Due to windy, cold and dry climate Vata- air also increases in our internal system. The body's natural rhythm jumbles to protect itself from heat loss. We no longer can keep the same routine we followed during summer and it is time to embrace the change & stay in harmony with the season.

When Vata dosha is balanced, we feel healthy, creative and enthusiastic. However when Vata qualities accumulate within the body and mind due to wrong diet, lifestyle and season it then starts to manifest as various imbalances. Which can affect us physically or emotionally and include insomnia, anxiety, rough and dry skin, constipation, flatulence and fatigue in the body. Emotionally a Vata imbalance can provokes fear, anxiety, loneliness and insecurity.

Below are some practical and easy tips to keep you lively during the autumn months.

Daily Routine suggestions

• First, follow a well-planned meal routine. Do not skip your breakfast,lunch or dinner. In this season, we crave more food as we get better circulation in the core/ stomach. Skipping a meal will highly affect energy levels and is a complete no-no.

• Breathing practice in the morning, will reduce the anxiety and help reducing the aggravated thinking.

• Improve your blood circulation with regular self-massage with warm organic oil. While following this self-massage routine you will notice you are feeling more active and enthusiastic. You could do massage in the morning or before going to the bed.

• Some excellent Vata pacifying foods. In Ayurveda, we call it nourishing Ojas (Glow) building foods. Ghee, almonds, cashews, pistachios, ginger, rice, wheat products such as Roti / chapatti, warm milk, paneer, olive oil, sesame seeds. Even well cooked veggies like beets, carrots, asparagus and sweet potatoes are favorable. Avoid cold or iced raw salads and raw veggies. Salad lovers can sauté the salad with olive oil or ghee before eating it to make it easily digestible.

• Rise & shine early! Autumn mornings are special as you can still enjoy the sunshine with peaceful ( sattvic) qualities of the nature. Get up early and follow an exercise routine that suits you. Vigorous exercise is not recommended but you could push yourself until sweat forms on the forehead, and spine, regular exercise will definitely improve your quality of sleep and restore the body's balance.

Most of all, Stay positive and think about something you are grateful for in the morning.. Remember! It is your mental attitude, which determines your success or failure of your life!

See you at the Spa.
Rippan & Spa Ayurda team