Get the balance right with pure and natural, traditional medicinal health products

About Our Products

All Natural Ayurvedic Ingredients

Our ingredients are crafted with love and respect for our environment and health. The Ingredients that have been selected for these formulations not only have specific healing properties, but have shown a lack of harmful after-effects and irritative reactions. Plant extracts and natural ingredients have been carefully formulated into products for daily use.

Ayurda is committed to you being educated and fully aware about your choices in the products you use. Here is a list with descriptions of some of the ingredients used in our products so you can make your own conscious choices. You can feel comfortable while using Ayurda products that you are experiencing optimum nourishment without the risk of harm associated with synthetic ingredients.

Neem (Margosa)

Neem is one such versatile product and every part of the tree is used for healing purposes. Neem leaf infusions have been used to cure skin diseases and are still used to relieve itching, soothe rashes, create a germicidal environment and clear inflammatory conditions. Neem contains organic sulphur compounds, which have powerful and versatile healing actions.


Lemon is the acid produced mostly by the citrus and identified as C6H8O7 promotes preservation. The lemon is rich in Vitamin C and much like salt removes moisture to prevent spoilage and rotting.

Neem Oil

Neem Oil is one of the most powerful oils on the market today. Neem is anti-fungal, anti-bacterial as well as anti-protozoan and a spermicide. It contains organic sulphur compounds, which have powerful and versatile healing actions.


Amalaki (Embelica officinalis) means in Sanskrit "sustainer of health." According to Ayurveda it enhances longevity and delays the signs of ageing. Good tonic for the eyes.


Sandalwood has been mentioned in ancient Indian texts as far back as the 5th century BC. It has powerful germicidal and antiseptic properties, while its exotic fragrance is said to have a relaxing effect on the mind. Both the wood and the oil have long been employed in medicine..

Sandalwood Oil

Sandalwood oil's main constituent is santalol. Not only does sandalwood soothe the skin and heal inflammatory conditions, but also has anti-ageing and rejuvenating effects. It is ideal for all skin types. Sandalwood protects the skin from the effects of pollutants, sun-exposure, dehydration and skin sensitivity.

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is also to help cell renewal. During the ancient times, aloe vera was used to heal cuts and wounds, as it speeds up the skin's cell renewal.


Brahmi is light, Sweet, Cool and Calm. According to Ayurveda Brahmi increases longevity and decreases the signs of aging. It is a great Nervine, mild anti-bacterial and mild anti-inflammatory. (Tri-doshic. Especially pacifies Pitta and Kapha)

Almond Oil

Almond oil is ideal for the delicate skin around the eyes, keeping it free from wrinkles and dark circles. These vitamin and mineral rich extracts benefit the skin by increasing blood flow and restoring damaged capillaries.

Himalayan Salt

Himalayan Salt has been used since ancient times particularly for meat, as a preservative. The salt enters the tissue and in effect binds the water, inhibiting the bacterium that causes spoilage. The salt restricts to tiny concentration and protects food from yeasts and moulds. It draws out moisture and creates an environment inhospitable to bacteria.


Turmeric is mainly used to ensure glowing, bright skin. Turmeric face masks are extensively available in beauty parlours for their skin-friendly treatment that prevents bacterial infection. Turmeric pastes cure pigmentation, maintain the pH factor and are constantly applied on the neck, face and over-all body to enhance the complexion and brightness of skin.


Yashitmadhu/licorice is sweet and Cool. Extraordinarily healing and moisturising. Good for inflammatory skin conditions. According to Ayurveda it is a rejuvenator for the eyes (pacifies Vata/Pitta)


Manjistha is bitter, sweet, cooling and pungent. In Sanskrit it means "bright red" and has an affinity for the blood. According to Ayurveda it is a superior blood purifier. Improves the complexion and alleviates skin disease. Known for its use on age (brown) spots. Anti-inflammatory action (Pacfies Kapha/Pitta).


Jatamansi is Sweet, Astringent, Light and Cool. Also known as Spikenard in the west. Jatamansi contains velaranol (major chemical component of valerian root) which gives it a strong sedative action. This property makes it very useful for calming vata types. Preserves mature skin. According to Ayurveda it improves the complexion and imparts a glowing look. It is also useful in the management of skin diseases. (Tri-doshic but especially beneficial for Vata).Anointing the heart or solar plexus region provides a sedative effect.


Tulsi is light, Warm and Pungent. In Sanskrit Tulsi means simply that no other plant stand in comparison. One of the best-known anti-oxidants because of its high polyphenol content helping to fight free radical damage. According to Ayurveda it is useful in all skin disorders (Pacifies Kapha/Vata).


Pomegranate is a wonder fruit known for its high levels of antioxidants, which makes it another skin care favourite. Pomegranate also contains phytoestrogen and punicic and linolenic acids, all of which prevent the breakdown of collagen fibres. Studies have shown that along with stimulating collagen, pomegranate seed oil speeds skin cell turnover and slightly thickens and strengthens the skin. The implication: Pomegranate can improve wound healing (so cuts and scrapes heal faster) and make for overall younger looking skin.

Shatapattri/Rosa centifolia

The Ayurvedic name for this particular rose is shatapattri, meaning 'a hundred petals,' and the Latin name is Rosa Centifolia, which also means 'a hundred petals. In Ayurveda the rose is used in many Rasayanas, that promote overall health and longevity. It is also used in Ayurda rose mist.

So there's a physiological reason that roses have been the ideal gift to express love and forgiveness for thousands of years. They literally soothe the heart and emotions. Rose also balances the mind.

It enhances the coordination between Sadhaka Pitta and Prana Vata (the subdosha of Vata that governs the brain, head, chest, respiration, sensory perception, and the mind). 

The rose enhances beauty in many ways. Local applications (such as in creams and poultices) cool, moisturize, and tone the skin. Massaging the body with rose and sandalwood sachets enhances beauty. The essence of rose augments the glow and complexion of the skin.


Ugenia Jambolana (Jamun) is a large, evergreen tree. The bark is brown or greyish, smooth; the leaves, smooth and shiny; the flowers are greenish white, fragrant. The fruit are oblong, black with pinkish purple juicy pulp with single seeds. It is useful in ailments caused by kapha and pitta. It has a cohesive action. Because of cool nature it is helpful in skin related ailments and suppresses burning sensation occurring in the body.

Cold-Pressed Oils

Cold pressed oils are usually unrefined and left in their pure and natural state. High in Essential Fatty Acids (EFA's), natural oils are known to be essential for the health of our organs, particularly the skin. Essential Fatty Acids cannot be produced by our own bodies, and instead must be obtained from dietary sources. oil's with EFA's also contains a high amounts of Vitamin E, which may further promote healthy skin. In particular, it is rich in linoleic and linolenic acids, which are important skin nutrients. 

Some studies suggest that Vitamin A helps to delay the effects of skin aging, assists with cell regeneration, and promotes collagen and elastin levels to increase. This results in firmer, smoother, and more youthful skin with greater elasticity.

Sesame Oil

Sesame Oil (Sesamum indicum) molecules absorb quickly through the skin, into the tissue to stop inflammatory processes, make skin look and feel youthful, soft and resilient making it the very best natural conditioner for the skin. Sesame Oil penetrates to the very marrow of the bone.On the way it gathers oil soluble toxins and takes them into the blood stream to be eliminated by the body as waste. It also neutralizes oxygen radicals, which are thought to be one of the major causes of aging.

Wheat Germ Oil

Wheat germ oil is rich in Vitamin E and helps to protect the tissues from degeneration. (Triticumvulgare). The Vitamin E Oil present in Wheat Germ Oil promotes skin cell formation, and is great for nourishing and rejuvenating dry, mature, dehydrated skin, and reducing scars, stretch marks, sunburns, and damaged skin.

It has anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant effects, which may be beneficial medicinally as well as in cosmetics.