4th World Ayurveda Congress

Written by admin


Posted on 08 August 2010

4th World Ayurveda Congress

By Dr. Ajit

The Indian Government's Department of Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homoeopathy (AYUSH) is pleased to announce the 4th World Ayurveda Congress, to be convened in Bengaluru, Karnataka from 9th to 13th December 2010. 

With nearly half a million visitors and about 5,000 delegates expected to be in attendance this year, the Congress is reinforcing its identity as a global summit that brings together the diverse stakeholders of Ayurveda. 

Listed below are the themes identified for the plenary sessions at this year's Congress:.

1. Ayurveda for All
2. Public Health
3. Ayurveda Research and Education
4. Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine
5. Food and Nutrition in Ayurveda
6. Ayurveda Medicine for Animals and Plants

I have been appointed the Congress Co-ordinator for the Australasia region.  People interested in attending should contact Planet Ayurveda

For more information visit: www.ayurworld.org