Five Easy Ways To Spring Clean Your Mind, Body And Spirit

Written by Leanne Gray


Posted on 30 September 2019

Five Easy Ways To Spring Clean Your Mind, Body and Spirit

Winter can often leave us feeling bloated and too heavy for our bodies, and the transition into spring can be a difficult one to pull off if you’re not sure how to do it. Spring, on the other hand, is nature’s reset button. 

With new leaves on the trees and animals coming out of hibernation, this is nature’s way of telling you that it’s time for you, too, to shake off the chills, declutter, and detox each aspect of yourself. If you’re feeling sluggish, fatigued, and heavy, then read on! 

Here at Ayurda, we’ve taken all the guesswork out of formulating your new routine and boiled down this seasonal change to five easy fixes you can do at home. Make an effort this October to incorporate these tips and tricks into your daily routine, and be amazed at what a difference they make!




Sit down with yourself and be honest: what would you most like to manifest into being this spring? It might be stepping out of your comfort zone, giving and receiving more kindnesses, or pushing yourself to your full. Whatever it is, let that be your mantra this spring. Rather than reach for your phone first thing in the morning, take a quiet moment to repeat this intention to yourself until you feel it take root in your plan for the day. Make this a habit, and watch your mind begin to live up to what your spirit already feels. 




Even though you’re breathing to stay alive, you may not be breathing to ease your mind, revitalize your body, and lift your spirits. To begin your day with calm and peace, practice breathing. Find a comfortable seat, sit tall with relaxed shoulders and take a few breaths in and out of your nose, expanding your belly as you do. Exhale forcefully through your nose, then inhale forcefully every second. 




It’s no secret that the early bird gets the worm, but did you know that our bodies are naturally designed to wake up before the sun? With spring on its way, the sun shines a lot earlier, and it’s up to us to regulate our bodies to this new routine. While sleeping in can be restorative in the winter cold, but our energies in spring requires more activity to keep our juices flowing and energies in balance. Try getting up before the sun rises and going for a brisk walk, or practice yoga salutations in front of an open window. 




Your body does a lot for you, day in and day out – so why not show it some love by being mindful of what foods you put into it? Start your day off with a warm glass of water, and eat seasonal vegetables with every meal. Try not to eat at your desk, while you’re juggling your food with work. Instead, take this short time for yourself – be aware of each mouthful, and experience gratefulness for its taste and nutrition. Not only will you find yourself feeling more satisfied, but this will also help you digest your food better. 




Skin, skin, skin – finally! While winter demands rigorous moisturising due to the dryness of the air, your skin needs to breathe in the spring. Ditch the heavy products for gentle exfoliation two or three times a week, depending on your skin type. Slough off the dead skin with our in house favourite, Ayurda Cucumber and Basil cleanser, formulated with antiseptic aloe vera, invigorating neem, and cooling cucumber. Lock in this herbal healing with our Almond and Saffron Moisturiser, which uses a combination of coconut, almond, and wheat germ oil to give you glassy, glowing, hydrated skin. 


We hope you’ve enjoyed these easy lifestyle tips for spring. Remember – your skin’s beauty begins with your body’s wellness, so take care of your body and watch it take care of you!