The Art of Stress free holidays!

Written by Rippan Sandhu


Posted on 03 December 2015

The Art of Stress free holidays


Do you know how to switch off? It's hard to believe that Christmas is just a few weeks away! Sometimes the never-ending task list and big shopping plans can be too much. On the other hand, if you are away from family and friends or have lost a loved one during this year, the celebrations can seem daunting. In both situations, it’s often overwhelming isn’t it?

One can be easily stressed during the Holiday season. According to Ayurveda, there are two types of stress that can develop during the holiday season. The first occurs with that long to-do list: planning, cooking, baking, shopping, unavoidable expenses and endless thoughts. All this can create a Vata imbalance in the body and mind. Additionally, if your year was challenging and you’re feeling frustrated and exhausted, a Pitta imbalance can cause aggravation in mind and body, causing mental and emotional stress.

Holidays also bring the opportunity to focus some time on YOU - the most important person. So with this in mind here are some tried and tested wellbeing tips to help you switch off so you can have stress free holidays.

Early Start
Stress Free Day Wake up 30 mins before your usual time and see how easily you are able to tick off the task list for the day. Dinacharya (a daily routine) is a very important aspect to a stress free day according to Ayurveda. Resist the temptation to oversleep even on weekends as it will alter your original sleep pattern. Additionally, walking barefoot on grass in the morning will help you keep grounded and your pitta in balance.

And Breathe
One of the major secrets of energy and rejuvenation is a purified blood stream. The quickest and most effective way to achieve this is breathing. For added relaxation keep Ayurda De-stressing oil handy and use 2 to 3 times during the day. Be mindful of your breathing and try not to have rigid attachments to any thoughts that come into your mind.

Think practical
Stick to your planned budget and don’t overspend. Only say yes to those things that make sense and give joy to your family. Don’t be afraid to turn down unrealistic requests from kids, family members and friends. Know your limits and don’t overstretch yourself.

Keep Your Spirits Up
Stay worry free and count your blessings rather than focusing on unwanted things. Take your meals on time and keep yourself hydrated. If you are planning to be outside a lot then don’t forget to keep your skin cool with a refreshing toner.

Sooth Emotional Stress
Stay away from negativity and negative people. Try to keep a relaxed view and do not become judgmental about everything. Forget painful past memories or conflicts that happened in family or friends and move on, take a fresh start. Avoid sweet or junk foods as they will increase the Ama (toxins) in the body and create physical and mental fatigue. Follow a Pitta pacifying diet.

Indulge In Self-Love
Give yourself a break before the actual holiday starts to keep yourself calm even on days you feel nothing is going right. Make a list of all the nurturing things you would like to do for yourself, like enjoying a blissful massage. Create a self-care routine. Do an Ayurvedic self-massage with organic oil in the morning before your shower.

Be flexible, be active, count your blessings and enjoy the upcoming Holiday as a “Holy day”

Feel Good. Age Well. Live Better.

Rippan and team at Ayurda!