3 Ways to Embrace Change this Autumn

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Posted on 08 March 2019

3 Ways to Embrace Change this Autumn

By Rippan Sandhu

Life is constantly changing (as are the seasons!) and accepting change is necessary for all of us. Change helps us slow down and be more present. Change helps us grow into the people we are born to be. You can't take the next big leap of your life without first slowing down.

So how will you embrace change and stay healthy this autumn?

1. Release
First we have to let go and release everything that is holding us back. We bring all of our past experiences with us into the present and releasing those old hurts will help us to move forward. If we don't release, we look for ways to numb ourselves in order to escape our reality. Practicing acceptance will allow you to move forward and release what you think should be. Acceptance is not resignation or a matter of giving up but an act of empowerment.

2. Embrace
Change Accept that summer is now over we are moving into a different season - both in nature and in life. In Ayuveda, autumn is a vata season. Pay attention to your local climate and embrace the change accordingly. It's a good time to adjust your diet and eat fresh seasonal foods. Swap stone fruits and salads for warm soups and delicious apple pie. You can also dress in autumn colours - red, yellow and orange and stay warm on those cooler days.

3. Change your Daily Routine
Take advantage of the cooler mornings and get up early. Wrap up warm and get outside in nature to awaken your senses and set your intention for the day. Quiet meditation, gentle yoga and reflection is perfect for this time of year. It's time to go slow and focus on warmth, grounding and stability.

You can achieve everything you want in this life and as nature teaches us during these transitional seasons, change occurs gradually, choice by choice. The power and ability lies within you, right now and one change at a time. Nature takes her time to transition, the leaves change colour slowly before falling to the ground. We too take our time to transition, because good things do take time!

We'd love to hear from you. How are you going to embrace the changing seasons? Join us on Facebook and let’s spread the word that Autumn can be fun too!

Some more articles you may find helpful can be found here:
Slow down and be more present - 5-easy-and-quick-mindfulness-tips-for-busy-people
Moving into a different season - embrace-autumn
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