5 Simple Ways to bring a smile on Mum’s face!

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Posted on 03 May 2017

5 Simple Ways to bring a smile on Mum’s face!

By Rippan Sandhu

Wow her with a delicious and easy meal

Because every mum needs a break from the kitchen and not every child is a Master-chef we’ve created a quick and easy Savoury Pancakes recipe for you to cook up for mum this Mother’s Day. With a few ingredients, quick and easy steps and a good-looking dish – this recipe is sure to wow mum.

Empty the dishwasher
Sometimes the smallest gestures are the most meaningful. Extend a helping hand and take up the smaller chores around the house. Surprise her with an empty dishwasher when she comes home for work or with the laundry folder. Ask her to stay in bed an hour extra gifting her the gift of sleep, and make breakfast for her in bed. We’re su.re she’ll appreciate the smaller gestures over the grand ones.

Make her a mix tape
Remember how she gets mesmerised (and even slightly blushes) every time a viral Elvis song pops up on the TV? You know your mum and you know how much she loves the artists she does. Surprise her with a customised playlist with all her favourite songs and artists and be rest assured she is thinking and loving you every-time she is driving to work! Chances are she is tired of her old playlist anyways.

Plan her a get-together
Maybe she never mentions it- but we are sure mum misses her friends and getting together with them for a quiet evening or a dinner out. Pick out her favourite restaurant or café and call her besties to get together for a fun evening. Ask the waiter to treat all of them with a surprise cheesecake at the end of the meal with a note that says Í love you’ and watch her heart melt!

Take her out on a movie date
There is nothing a mother would appreciate more than spending some quality time with her family. Take her out to watch her favourite movie or switch on the Netflix at home with a Shortland Street marathon and let her indulge in your company (and some popcorn of course!) This one comes with only condition – switch off your cell phone and make sure she knows that all your attention is on her!