Heartwarming ways to celebrate your mum this Mother's Day

Written by Rippan Sandhu


Posted on 27 April 2021

Heartwarming ways to celebrate your mum this Mother's Day

By Rippan Sandhu 

While we should never miss a chance to show our love to our mums, Mother’s Day just gives us another excuse to make them feel special. Our world revolves around them when we are growing up, but as we transition into adulthood, somewhere we get too caught up with all that life throws at us. That’s all the more reason to make good use of Mother’s Day which falls on 8th May this year.

Not to sound like a spoilsport, but flowers and chocolates are so passe, and so are traditional Mother’s Day gifts like jewellery. This time around, treat your mum to a special experience, something that truly makes a difference to her life and physical or mental health. It need not always be a grand, big gesture, because for our mums, it’s always the thought that counts. But if you haven’t been able to move past the cliched gift ideas so far, we have some interesting ones we think might give you an opportunity to spend a memorable day with your mum.

Help her bring a passion project to life
We all have unfulfilled dreams and wishes, don’t we? Things we’ve always wanted to do but somehow lost that spark on the way as other things like career, family and children took over. Our mums are no different. Maybe she has always wanted to learn a new art form. Or maybe she has recently been thinking about using her skills to build up a business. Whatever it may be, wouldn’t it feel special if she could actually bring some of those dreams to life with your help? It may seem like taking on a huge responsibility, but sometimes all your mum needs is a cheerleader to encourage her to take the plunge. And who better than her kids to help her do that? But if you do want to take on a bit more than just inspiring her to follow her dreams, help her take action. It could be as small as teaching her how to use Facebook or Instagram to run a business or signing her up for a course that may help her in her pursuits. Not only will this bring her joy and a sense of fulfillment, but it will also mean a lot more coming from you!

Treat her to an indulgent spa day
Nothing screams Happy Mother’s Day more than a full day of pampering to help mum take her mind off the million things on her ever-growing to-do list! Sign her up for an indulgent spa package to help her relax and spend a day nourishing and calming her mind, body and soul. If she has any concerns like backache and skin issues or if you know she enjoys something specific like a foot massage, make sure to top up the spa package with the suitable ritual for a customised experience. Send her away for a blissful day and get her back all refreshed and rejuvenated by the end of it. This is definitely one of our favourite ways to make mum feel special, because to be honest, we are yet to come across a mum who wouldn’t appreciate some alone time to focus on herself!

Take her away on a day trip
Why stay at home when you can whisk mum away on a day trip to a place she’s never been to before? We understand that overnight trips are not always feasible and that’s exactly why day trips are so convenient. Pick a destination or an activity that you both have been wanting to see or do and plan an exciting day, just you and her, creating shared memories. It doesn’t need to be a far-off place or an elaborate activity. Most often, the hidden gems lie where no one looks - in their backyard. Customise and plan the day based on your mutual interests and it’s sure to be an instant hit with your mum. We all lead busy lives these days so if you’ve been looking for an opportunity to spend some quality time with her, no better occasion than Mother’s Day to make this trip happen!

Gift her something handmade by you
If you are someone who likes to stick to the classic gifting on Mother’s Day, how about you ramp it up a notch by gifting mum something you made yourself? It’s true there are plenty of gifting options commercially available these days, but it can never beat the warmth of a handmade gift, no matter how rustic and insignificant it may seem. You don’t necessarily have to be an artistic ninja to make something from scratch. All you need is some time and thought. Take the time to think about what your mum might like and what you are capable of putting together. If you can figure that out, there’s really no end to the fun (and useful) things you can create for her.

Here are some ideas to get your mind ticking:
 • Homemade jars of sauces and jams (think, tomato sauce, chilli sauce, fruit jams, etc.)
 • A scrapbook of memories with photos and other memorabilia.
 • A curated self-care hamper of skincare products.
 • Hand-painted pots for plants or coffee mugs.
 • Homemade mix for natural face mask or face scrub.

For example, dried orange peel powder and oats flour mixed together make for a great base for a face scrub that can be stored for a long time.

Skip the annual Mother’s Day restaurant dinner
Don’t worry, as shocking as that may sound, we’re not suggesting that you deprive your mum of a special Mother’s Day meal! An elaborate meal at a fancy restaurant sure gets the job done, but a home cooked meal has a different charm of its own. For this year’s celebration, cook up a storm in your kitchen (with help from a few cooking videos if needed) and enjoy a family dinner at home. This not only saves you the hassle of arranging a suitable restaurant booking amidst all the rush of Mother’s Day, most importantly, it’s the most heartwarming way to tell your mum how much you care. If cooking isn’t your strong suit, keep it simple and prepare foolproof dishes. Because it’s not about how many dishes you cook or how skilled you are, it’s the intention and your genuine effort that makes a difference.