Nourish the Skin you are in!

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Posted on 29 September 2016

Nourish the Skin you are in!

By Rippan Sandhu

In the spring, Kapha dosha tends to escalate in most people's physiologies, giving rise to Kapha - related skin problems such as excessive oiliness, breakouts and a lack of clarity. Detox and rejuvenation are the Ayurvedic keywords for spring. Spring skin care, in keeping with this overall theme, focuses on deep - cleansing, exfoliation and gentle nourishment to prepare the skin for the hotter months to follow.

Here are some Ayurvedic skin - care tips to avoid Kapha-related skin problems and to keep your skin looking radiantly fresh, clear and alive:

1. Stringent cleansing, at least twice a day, is crucial. Choose a cleanser that is right for your skin type. Avoid harsh cleansers in general, and aim for purification while maintaining the moisture balance of your skin. Our skin cleansers for oily or dry skin use natural ingredients and can be made at home.

2. Once a week (twice a week if you have water or earth predominant Kapha skin), treat your facial skin to at-home herbal steam therapy. The herbal steam treatments will help release deep-seated toxins and clear the channels of the skin, giving it room to breathe freely.

3. Oily skin can also benefit from a quick daily exfoliation with Neem tea. Steep 1/4 teaspoon Neem leaves in a pot of boiling water. Dip a washcloth in the infusion once it has cooled a little and dab your skin well with the washcloth. Dip, squeeze and dab several times and then follow with Ayurda Blackberry astringent or Rose and basil toner. Make sure the cloth is at a comfortable temperature before applying it to the skin.

4. For all-body exfoliation, use a mix of four parts chickpea flour or coarse oatmeal, a pinch of turmeric and one part sandalwood powder , blended in a little milk or water and a few drops of rosewater. Apply the paste to wet skin, gently scrub rougher areas such as knees, elbows and feet with a washcloth, and rinse off with plenty of tepid water. You can use honey and cinnamon powder instead if you can’t find sandalwood powder.

5. Nourish your skin with a light application of a light natural moisturizer like Ayurda hand and body lotion.

6. Cleansing from within is also important, to help purify the sweat glands and blood. Eat cleansing vegetables high in water content. Eat lots of sweet juicy fruits. Eat lighter foods and avoid rich sweets and deep-fried foods or heavy cheeses, especially if your skin tends to be naturally oily, as these types of foods will clog the channels further and lead to breakouts.

7. Drink lots of pure water everyday. Warm water is especially good for regulating elimination and cleansing toxins from the physiology. Spice-spiked detoxifying like Ayurda detox tea is even better .

8. The pre-bath warm oil Ayurvedic self-massage, called abhyanga, is a must-do in spring. The massage not only keeps your skin silky-smooth, it also tones the muscles, calms the nerves and aids circulation, besides helping to release deeply embedded toxins. Choose a massage oil that works for your skin type--almond or jojoba for Vata skin, coconut for Pitta skin and olive or sesame for Kapha skin. Click here for instructions on doing the self-massage.

9. Protect your skin from the elements and from environmental pollution that can aggravate Kapha-related skin problems. Do not wear chemical-based make-up or use Ayurda skin care products as they contain no harsh chemical ingredients as these ingredients contribute to toxic build-up in your body and in your skin.