Exfoliate Naturally - At Home!

Written by Rippan Sandhu


Posted on 09 April 2019

Exfoliate Naturally - At Home!

Winter is fast approaching and it certainly feels like it at the moment. Our skin often bears the brunt of the cold weather, becoming dry and cracked. Exfoliation is a big part of Ayurveda’s deep-cleansing philosophy and daily exfoliation can stimulate the skin, eliminate toxins and remove dead cells.

We all have different skin types, which makes it harder to find products that work for everyone. Vata skin types are dry, Kapha skin types are damp and pitta skin types are hot. 

If you are aware of what skin type you have, you can mix and match the essential oils in this recipe to suit your needs. This scrub will warm you up and nourish your hands, perfect for those cold, rainy, winter days.

1 cup of sea salt

½ cup melted coconut oil

4 drops of clove essential oil

4 drops of fennel essential oil

2 drops of ginger essential oil

1 tbsp honey

Mix all the ingredients in a bowl then store it in an air-tight container and use it when your hands need a pick me up. This is the perfect time to be aware of your body, get present with the moment and take some ‘me-time’ out for yourself, even if it is for only 5 minutes.