Natural Botox: Ayurvedic Facial Massage Techniques

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Posted on 19 July 2023


Your Natural Botox: Ayurvedic Facial Massage Techniques

Ayurvedic facial massage, or Mukha Abhyanga, offers a multitude of benefits in just one session. With its gentle yet firm strokes, this rejuvenating practice is said to promote relaxation, improve blood circulation, and help tone the facial muscles. It stimulates the lymphatic system, aiding in detoxification and reducing puffiness.

Celebrated for its numerous perks, this ancient indian therapy is frequently dubbed as a natural facelift. It's a straightforward yet potent method to fend off wrinkles and sustain a youthful glow. Ayurvedic facial massage marries the application of pressure points, oil usage, and distinct movements to deliver not just a revitalising facial, but also a boost to your overall health.

Its charm stems from enhancing circulation, detoxifying your skin, and renewing skin cells. Think of it as a caffeine jolt for your skin - waking it up and breathing new life into it. Mukha abhyanga also nourishes and hydrates the skin, enhancing its natural glow and combating signs of aging. By balancing the doshas, it supports overall well-being, calms the mind, and relieves stress.

Regular practice of Mukha abhyanga can improve complexion, alleviate tension, and promote a sense of inner and outer radiance. Indulge in this ancient ayurvedic ritual to experience the transformative effects on your skin and overall vitality.

Here's a step-by-step guide on how to perform ayurvedic facial massage:

1. Prepare the space:

Find a quiet and comfortable area where you can perform the massage. Make sure the room is warm and free from distractions.

2. Cleanse your face:

Start by cleansing the face with a gentle, natural cleanser such as Nourishing Cleanser with Hingot & Turmeric or Purifying Cleanser with Basil & Cucumber to remove any dirt or impurities. Pat the skin dry with a soft towel or cotton cloth.

3. Apply oil or skincare:

Choose a suitable ayurvedic oil for your skin type. Sesame oil, almond oil, or coconut oil are commonly used. Warm the oil slightly and apply it to your face and neck using gentle, upward strokes. Massage the oil in circular motions, allowing it to penetrate the skin.

You can also use the massage techniques during the end of your skincare routine using your moisturiser to soften the skin, and helping each product sink deeper into your pores. 

To find our your doshic skin type, and which Ayurda skincare products would suit your doshic skin type, take our skin quiz here.

4. Marma point massage:

Ayurvedic facial massage focuses on stimulating specific energy points or marma points on the face.

Use your fingertips to apply gentle pressure to these points in small circular motions. Some key marma points to focus on are the temples, forehead, eyebrows, and jawline.

Doing so helps to unblock channels of energy and improve flow which can help stimulate the layers of your skin, circulation and lymphatic flow before performing your facial stroke and other techniques.


5. Facial massage:

Use your palms, fingers, and knuckles to perform a variety of massage strokes on the face. These can include long, sweeping strokes, kneading motions, and gentle tapping or drumming movements. Always use gentle pressure and be mindful of the delicate skin on the face and eye area. Give extra attention to areas that you feel need some extra revitalising such as the jawline, jowls, eye area.

See below for instructions on how to perform these techniques.

Here are some specific facial massage techniques you can incorporate into your ayurvedic facial massage:

Facial strokes:

This is a gentle stroking movement that helps spread the oil evenly across the face. Use your palms to make long, sweeping strokes in an upward direction, starting from the neck and moving towards the forehead. Repeat this motion several times, maintaining a steady and soothing rhythm.


This technique involves kneading and lifting the skin gently. Use your fingers and thumbs to gently pinch and lift small sections of the skin on the forehead, cheeks, and chin. This helps improve circulation and relaxes the facial muscles.




Tapping involves using your fingertips to tap or drum on the skin. It stimulates blood flow and invigorates the skin. Use light, rhythmic tapping motions on the forehead, cheeks, and jawline. Avoid excessive pressure and be gentle with the delicate facial skin.




Friction involves using circular motions with your fingertips or knuckles. Apply gentle pressure as you make small circular motions on the forehead, cheeks, and chin. This technique helps break up tension and encourages the absorption of the oil into the skin.




Pinching is another technique that helps stimulate circulation. Use your thumb and index finger to gently pinch small sections of the skin along the jawline, cheeks, and forehead. This can be particularly beneficial for improving the appearance of sagging or dull skin.




Feathering involves using the tips of your fingers to create light, feathery strokes across the face. This technique helps to calm the skin and create a soothing sensation. Gently brush your fingertips across the cheeks, forehead, and chin in a light, upward motion



Eye massage:

Pay special attention to the area around the eyes. Use your ring finger to gently massage the area around the eyes in circular motions. This can help reduce puffiness and improve circulation.




Kneading the jawline:

Use your fingertips to knead the jawline in an upward motion. This helps relax the jaw muscles and improves the appearance of the jawline.



Remember, the key to a successful ayurvedic facial massage is to be gentle and responsive to your own comfort level. Pay attention to your skin's needs and adjust the pressure accordingly.

If you have any specific concerns or skin conditions, it's always best to consult with a skincare professional or ayurvedic practitioner for personalised guidance. You can also experience an Ayurvedic facial massage firsthand during our Ayurda facials which use our natural skincare range.

After your skincare/facial massage

Relaxation Techniques:

Once you have completed the massage, allow yourself to relax for a few minutes. You can cover your face with a warm towel or use a face steamer to further enhance the relaxation.

Cleanse or wipe off excess oil:

After the massage, you can either cleanse your face with a gentle face wash or use a warm damp cloth to wipe off any excess oil. If using skincare products, let it soak into your skin for at least 1 hour before going to bed.

Serum & Moisturiser:

If you didn't use Finish the ayurvedic facial massage by applying a light moisturiser such as Revitalising Moisturiser with Rose & Lotus or Skin Renewing Moisturiser with Almond & Saffron or facial serum to nourish the skin and lock in moisture. Remember to perform the massage with gentle, soothing movements and listen to your body's response. It's always best to consult with an ayurvedic practitioner or skincare professional for personalised advice based on your specific skin type and conditions.


Regular practice of Mukha abhyanga can improve complexion, alleviate tension, and promote a sense of inner and outer radiance. Indulge in this ancient ayurvedic ritual to experience the transformative effects on your skin and overall vitality.


Ayurda Balancing Facial


Experience the benefits of Ayurvedic facial massage, and our natural range of skincare during a balancing facial tailored to your skin type. Let our therapists guide you through a journey of relaxation while your skin reaps the multitude of benefits offered by our facial massage.


Ayurda Skincare



Browse our range of natural skincare, using only authentically ayurvedic ingredients harvested with love and appreciation. Delicious food for your skin, formulated by Ayurvedic doctor and inspired by the childhood rituals of Rippan.


Discover your doshic skin type



Understanding your doshic skin type provides you with valuable insights into the workings of your skin and its vulnerabilities. Armed with this knowledge, you can proactively identify potential triggers that may disrupt its balance. By being aware of the specific tendencies and susceptibilities of your skin, you can take preventive measures to minimize the occurrence of issues commonly associated with your skin type.