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Some Seasonal Routines for Winter
Many of us already feeling the impact of winter with colds, chest complaints, sneezing, headache, cold hands and feet.
Sesame Oil
The most commonly used oil in Ayurvedic Massage is cold pressed sesame oil. Within the Ayurvedic tradition, sesame oil is viewed as "tri-doshic" meaning it is able to stablise all three Doshas, not only at the physical but also on a mental level.
Ghee: The Facts
It is a well known fact that Ghee is a saturated fat and that a high percentage of saturated fat in a person’s diet is a contributory factor in cardiovascular disease. However, more recent research has shown that not all saturated fats are bad.
Seasonal Routines for Winter 2013
Winter seems to have arrived early this year and with it the qualities of cold, damp, heaviness and sluggishness. These qualities invariably impact on our lymphatic system, causing fluid to accumulate in the body and our joints becoming stiff, painful and heavy.
Seasonal Regimes for Autumn
Ayurveda, can provide some valuable insights in managing this seasonal transition. It helps us understand that each season brings different qualities to the environment and it is these qualities that have a direct impact on our bodies.
De-stress with Ayurveda
There is no doubt that our hectic lifestyle creates a great deal of stress, which can impact on our physical and mental states.
Liver De-tox
The liver is one of the most important organs in the body. When the liver is sluggish, digestion suffers, which leads to problems like fatigue, indigestion, high cholesterol, psoriasis, chemical sensitivities and constipation.
ASSOCHAM Conference (April 2012)
The Indian Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry recently held their 4th Annual Summit on Medicinal & Aromatic Products at the NSIC Exhibition Complex in New Delhi.
Type 2 Diabetes
It is estimated by Diabetes New Zealand that almost 7% of the population are affected by this disease, making it an endemic problem in the community.
Seasonal Regimes for Winter (2010)
I am sure all of you must have enjoyed the wonderful summer but now the time has come to welcome Winter. At the same time, everyone starts getting a little concerned about the idea of months of cold, wet, damp, moist & cloudy weather.