Tagged: health and wellness
Are you 'healthy'?
Are you 'healthy'? What is 'healthy'? What does it look like? What does it feel like? ...
Guide To Summer Wellness
Read more about how to navigate the warm months within our free downloadable e-Book 'Guide To Summer Wellness'
Ayurda’s 5 Easy Steps to Look After your Skin This Winter
Ah winter! Time for dry skin, itching and let’s not forget the infamous chapped lips. .
Ayurveda-inspired wellness ideas for the busy modern woman
Between hectic work schedules, home, and busy social life, women in our generation are often left with little to no time to spare. But ladies, let’s take a moment to pause, shall we?
5 Ayurvedic Resolutions for the New Year
It’s the resolution season and to help you keep your focus on being the best happy, healthy you that you can be we’ve put together 5 very simple ayurvedic resolutions to help you achieve your wellbeing goals.
What’s all the hype about Turmeric?
Turmeric is no longer just an Ayurvedic secret pearl of goodness – it is now one of the most sought after, widely researched and highly demanded commodities in the world back up by modern scientific research.
The Health Benefits of Barefoot Walking
Walking barefoot on soil, grass, sand or any other natural surface, lets us connect directly to the earth and its magnetic field. Called “earthing”,
Embrace Autumn - Ayurveda Way!
We have experienced the wonderful summer and spent some quality time with our family & friends during the sunshine! Now it is time to welcome autumn once again.
The Art of Stress free holidays!
Do you know how to switch off? It's hard to believe that Christmas is just a few weeks away! Sometimes the never-ending task list and big shopping plans can be too much.
How To Do A Spring Cleanse
I am sure that all of you are getting excited with the coming of spring. It is the time everyone has the chance to be active and really enjoy life after the cold, slow & dull winter. Many of us use this time to spring clean our homes, cleaning out the sluggishness of the cold months.
Pearls of Ayurvedic Wisdom
According to Ayurveda, three types of energy called Doshas circulate in our bodies. When these Doshas are in balance, we experience good health and harmony. You can find out what your dominant Dosha energy is here...
Winter Food - Do's and Don'ts
One of Ayurveda's key principles is to live in harmony with the seasons. It recognises that each season has unique characteristics and qualities. In winter, the environment is dominated by cold, damp and heaviness and this can make us feel dull and sluggish in ourselves.
Deal with stress emergencies with Ayurveda
Look closely to your life.. is stress is playing the major role ..? Most of the people will say YES it does. Not only mental but also physical & emotional stress is contributing to most of the deceases.
Your Guide to Embrace Autumn
We have been blessed by a wonderful summer this year with long sunny days, lots of time at beaches and outdoor activities. Mother Nature is now leading us into Autumn, leaves dry up and the wind begins to blow.